May 28, 2003

CONTACT:  Zach Gibbons-Ballew POPLAR (Protecting Ohio’s Public Land, Air and Rivers)        

 740-589-2378 or  


Click here for high resolution pictures of the banner drop

POPLAR Volunteers String Banner In Front Of Glidden’s Office

Athens, Ohio—In the early morning hours of Tuesday, May 27th, volunteers of POPLAR (Protecting Ohio’s Public Land, Air, and Rivers) climbed two trees on the Ohio University Campus Green and strung a banner in front of President Glidden’s office.  The Banner read “Help Save Dysart Woods!  www.” on one side and “No Compromise!  Appeal the -12 permit” on the other.  Protection of Dysart Woods is extremely important as it is some of the last remaining old growth forest in Ohio, an important research area, and a National Natural Landmark.  This action is partly directed at OU President Bob Glidden, urging him to commit to appealing a possible permit that would allow mining under Dysart Woods.  The action also urges concerned citizens, students, and faculty to write letters to Glidden and attend a rally where hundreds of letters will be hand delivered to Glidden.

The rally, which is to be held Thursday May 27th on the West Portico of the Campus Green at Noon, is sure to offer support for the ongoing struggle to protect Dysart Woods from the underground mining practices of Ohio Valley Coal Company (OVCC).  OVCC is waiting for approval of permit D-0360-12 that would allow for mining directly under the old growth forests of Dysart Woods.  POPLAR is demanding that Ohio University not only appeal the D-0360-12 permit if approved, but fully support it’s own staff as expert witnesses in an appeal.  OU employs some of the most knowledgeable experts on Dysart Woods, and it should fully support the findings and opinions of its scientists.
